Do you need a color-separated vector file for screen printing? Well, you can make your color-separated vector file with different software.

Sounds difficult?

No worries. This guide will help you learn this color-separation thing even more easily.

What is Color Separation for Screen Printing

Color separation is a fundamental step of screen printing.

It helps you prepare the artwork into individual layers of color so that you can make a separate screen (stencil) for each color in the design.

Now let’s see How to Make an SVG File in 7 Simple Steps.

What are the types of Color Separation

Let’s discuss about the types in detail.

Spot Color Separation

It is the most common technique for color separation and is usually done with CorelDraw or Illustrator. Spot colors are pre-mixed inks that create solid colors and are often made by using the Pantone Matching System (PMS).

What is PMS?

PMS Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a standard color system that offers a universal language for communicating and identifying specific colors and is widely used in various industries, including graphic design, printing, packaging, and textiles.

Index Color Separation

Index color separation is a technique that uses square pixels for color shading instead of halftone dots. It’s useful for printing and can be done in Photoshop, with files easily transferred to other programs like CorelDraw and Illustrator

Four Color Process

Four-color process technology uses halftone dots of CMYK for photorealistic and detailed images. These dots split the image for screen printing into cyanmagentayellow, and black.

The four-color process is commonly done with Adobe Illustrator and gives the best results with a lighter or white background.

Simulated Color Process

Unlike the four-color process, the simulated color process uses halftone dots for intricate screen printing, but it utilizes a range of ink colors and can be printed on dark or light colors backgrounds.

How to do Color Separation for Screen Printing

The process of separating colors depends on the software you are using.

Here we are using Adobe Illustrator for color separation.

In Adobe Illustrator, you can select specific areas of each color in your artwork and create separate layers or files by using the Magic Wand Tool and Direct selection Tool.

Let’s see how it works.

Step no: 1

In first step, use the “Direct Selection Tool” and select the entire image.

Step no: 2

In second step, use the “Path Finder” and merge all the selections.

Step no: 3

Now, use “Magic Wand Tool” and select the each of the single color that you have in your image just like we do, and make the separate layer of each color respectively.

Useful Tools of Adobe Illustrator for Color Separation

  • Pathfinder: Pathfinder allows you to merged, subtract, divide, and manipulate the shapes and paths to make up your artwork.
  • Magic Wand tool: It is a selection tool that lets you click on a specific color in your artwork, and it automatically selects all connected areas of the same color, depending on the design.
  • Direct Selection tool: It let you directly select anchor points (the nodes that define the shape of a path) and path segments (lines or curves connecting those points).

Color separation for Commercial Screen Printing

Many companies use this technique for commercial printing for most projects; they adopt and purchase exclusive software to separate digital files into the four CMYK colors and transfer these color-separated images or files directly into the printing presses.

Many screen printers and designers use and work with CMYK mode for more color-oriented and high-quality printing projects

Which Software is best for Color Separation

As we said earlier, you don’t need to buy software. You’re existing designing software like Illustrator, CorelDraw, and others can do wonders and can effectively use for color separation for screen printing and other purposes too.

All you need is some practice

Spot Color Vs CMYK Color Separation, Which is better?

The CMYK process uses only four colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—which may be blended to create an almost limitless variety of colors and shades in just one printing press pass.

Spot color printing uses a single (different) ink for each color which make it incredibly pricey and precise for use.

Spot Color Vs Four Color Process Color Separation, Which is better?

The primary difference between spot color and the four-color process is simple: spot color is ideal for printing projects that don’t require many colors without any gradient, such as simple logos.

Whereas four-color process is suitable for projects that require multiple colors or when you need a wide range of color options with gradients.

Final Words

Color separation is an essential step for screen printing because it helps you to achieve the best results for screen printing, silk screen printing, and other printing purposes by dividing the image or artwork into individual color layers.