Print on demand is a practical and affordable method of distributing your creations.

But, of course, adopting print-on-demand has advantages and disadvantages, just like any other business.

You might need a few tricks to speed up and simplify your print on demand business.

This blog will cover all the basic tips for building a strong print on demand business. From sourcing the right print on demand products to listing them for sale, here’s all that you need to know.

Boost Your Print on Demand Business with These Tips & Tricks

Do you want to start a Print on Demand business (POD)?

Before you start attracting customers to your print-on-demand store, there are some certain steps, or you can say tips, that you need to take to make sure that your print on demand business (POD) is well set up and ready to sell.

Here are the top 15 tips that you need to take before you start selling.

If you follow these 10 tips, not only will you be prepared to start selling, but you’ll also avoid the common mistakes that beginners make when starting a print on demand business.

Choose a Remarkable Brand Name:

Choosing a unique and memorable brand name for your print on demand business is essential for standing out in a crowded print on demand (POD) marketplace.

Here are some tips to help you choose a brand name that will make an impact:

  • Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming a list of words and phrases that relate to your business and its values. Consider what sets your print on demand business apart and what message you want to convey to your customers.
  • Keep it simple: A simple, easy-to-remember name will be more memorable and effective in the long run. Avoid using complex words that can be complicated for customers to remember or spell.
  • Make it relevant: Choose a name suitable to your business and what you offer. A name that accurately reflects your brand and products will be more effective in attracting the right customers.
  • Avoid generic names: Avoid using generic or overused names already associated with other businesses. This can be the reason for confusion and make it difficult for customers to find you.
  • Check availability: Once you have a list of prospective names, check to see if they are available as a domain name and on social media platforms.

Try to Pick a Unique Niche:

Your niche enables you to position your products toward particular target audiences. Remember, choosing a unique and interesting niche for your print on demand business (POD) is important to your overall success.

Here are some tips to help you pick a niche that will be both unique and interesting:

  • Research trends: Research current trends and popular topics in the market. Look at what other print on demand businesses are doing and what products are popular with customers.
  • Identify gaps in the market: Look for gaps in the market where there may be a demand for products that are not currently being offered. This could be a specific interest or hobby that is not being catered to.
  • Consider target audience: Consider your target audience and what products would appeal to them. Consider their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle when choosing your niche.
  • Combine niches: Consider combining two or more niches to create a unique product offering. For example, combining a love of pets with a passion for travel could lead to a niche offering pet owners custom travel gear.
  • Test the market: Once you have identified a potential niche, test the market by creating a few products and seeing how they are received by customers. This will give you a better idea of the potential demand for your products.

Make Sure That Your Design Suits Your Product:

One design may look nice on one product, but that doesn’t guarantee that it will also look good on other products. You could also want to consider the printing technique and fabric if the design looks excellent and makes sense on the product.

There are several print techniques, some of which look great on particular fabrics, others of which have a textured feel, and even some “special effects” like glitter and glow-in-the-dark. Thus, always consider the design suitability of products.

Build an Effective & Strong Marketing Strategy:

One of the most important aspects of any print-on-demand strategy is marketing. To compete with the competition, you must create a unique brand and market it both online and offline. A successful e-commerce marketing strategy might make or kill your company.

You should advertise your store as an online merchant via various channels and websites. You can produce a unique selling proposition and a powerful brand identity without prior marketing experience. It’s important to use a range of strategies while advertising online:

  • Marketing on social media
  • Landing pages and blogs
  • Marketing with influencers
  • Marketing via email

Set SEO Goals as a Top Priority:

Even if your designs are flawless and you are focused and determined, you still need to understand SEO basics if you want to sell your products without using paid advertising. SEO applies to Google, Bing, and Yahoo and online markets like Etsy and Amazon. Many successful print on demand marketers highlighted the importance of SEO for print-on-demand marketing.

Like Amazon and eBay, Etsy has a lot of traffic these days. All you have to do now is figure out what the locals are looking for. Focusing on SEO, you’ll have to narrow your focus on “keywords” to reach the right target market. Using the same keywords in the description is another print on demand business tip if you want to go further.

Set Smart Pricing Strategy to Boost the Sales:

Make a smart pricing strategy to encourage customers to buy more and more. To set a smart pricing strategy for print on demand sales, you should consider several factors, such as production costs, competitor prices, and customer value perception.

Offering discounts on bulk orders and implementing dynamic pricing algorithms can also help to boost sales. Additionally, conducting regular market research and adjusting prices accordingly can help you stay competitive and maximize profits.

Consider the POD Market Competition:

The competition is a factor to be taken into account while selecting a micro-niche category. You’ll need to use more creativity in your designs and marketing tactics if there are already a lot of companies in your selected industry if you want to stand out.

It’s fantastic if there is little competition! However, you’ll need to confirm that there is sufficient demand for your goods. The easiest way to achieve this is to thoroughly investigate your niche before deciding to pursue it. Strike a balance between demand and passion for print-om-demand business.

Only Add Up to Five Color Variations to Your Products:

Don’t overwhelm your customer with too many color choices. Too many colors or designs to choose from can leave customers feeling overwhelmed, and this overwhelmed feeling can even lead to them leaving your site and not buying anything at all. Thus, we recommend a maximum of five color options per product.

Offer a Variety of Products:

There is more to Print on Demand than just T-shirts. Therefore, don’t just restrict your POD store to selling t-shirts. Your POD sales can rise by expanding your product selection and using your design on a number of goods.

For example, if you like the look of a T-shirt design, consider whether it would also look nice on a cap, tote bag, pillowcase, or coffee cup. A bigger audience, who might be interested in buying leggings or a mug, can be attracted with more variety.

Avoid Copyrights & Trademarks:

If you find something on Google, it’s not necessarily yours. The best results always come from the original creation. If you lack the skill to create your designs, SPOD provides a free library of more than 50,000 designs you are welcome to use for print on demand, or the second best option is to hire a designer.

Check to see if a different wording or design that you did not create is trademarked in your country if you wish to use it. If the text isn’t protected by copyright, you can rebuild a text-based design uniquely. For example, a design you saw had a wise saying by Albert Einstein. While sticking to the guidelines, you can use and show the same quotation differently.

Make Good Use of Product Photography:

Your Products will look more attractive if you take great pictures of them. Order product samples, staged lifestyle shoots, or model shots showcasing your goods. Don’t be scared to have fun with your photography and use gorgeous surroundings and natural light. You can also create mockups with your designs on websites.

Apply Scarcity Trick:

One of the most effective psychological tricks for encouraging people to act with greater urgency on a sale or a product that you are marketing is the use of scarcity.

Pick a market niche and use scarcity to draw clients. Offering a limited-time deal or referring to anything as a “limited edition” can entice buyers to buy.

Don’t Set for only Marketplace, Start Selling on Multiple Marketplaces:

Don’t stick your print on demand business to only one marketplace, like only Etsy. Instead, try Amazon, eBay, and so on. The more places you sell your products, the more exposure you’ll get and the more sales you’ll make. But selling on multiple marketplaces can be a lot of work. Start with one or two, slowly add more as you have the time, or hire a virtual assistant to speed things up for your POD business.

Get Feedbacks From Customers & Friends:

Get occasional feedback from your customers, friends, and family to determine your success and ability because seeking other people’s opinions is helpful in getting different perspectives on how your store or product designs look.

Build Strong Relationship with Customers:

A healthy relationship between a seller and buyer is the key to a fruitful business. Therefore, you should prioritize excellent customer service and communication to build a strong customer relationship for a print on demand business. This includes promptly responding to inquiries and addressing issues or concerns professionally and helpfully.

Personalizing the shopping experience through targeted marketing campaigns and offering loyalty rewards can also help to build customer loyalty. Additionally, regularly soliciting feedback and implementing customer suggestions can show that you value their input and are committed to meeting their needs.


So, these were the top 15 tips to boost your print on demand business. Hopefully, that will inspire you to take your POD brand to the next level, carving out your niche and enjoying the success you’ve always dreamed of.